To think of all the hurricanes that have hit the Gulf Coast for the past say 200-300 years and these majestic monstrosities are not harmed.
The roots are deep and strong...The way you hope your family will be. The branches reach 50 yards it seems in each direction bowing down to touch the ground in some places. These are some of the most fantastic trees I have ever seen in the world.
I have always said I want a hundred year old live oak to call my own before I die. I want to sit under it and pray, and dream, and reminisce of younger years. I want to play with my grand children and picnic and laugh and have happy hour under one that I can name myself and that will become a legacy in our family... I want it on a place that we never sell. I have secret day dreams about a day in Spring when I am at home with little people again, the ones I can spoil and then give back...
Until then, I will live in Doha, and finish raising the little one left at home... I want to be that live oak for her, branches to protect and hug, and deep roots to weather the storms...