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Smiles, Sherry

Monday, April 19, 2010

Living through the eyes of other people's children...

As my life comes to another decade and chapter...
Empty nesting and turning 50,
I don't know which is worse...
Or should I say which is better!!! :0

My children are growing up which is a good thing,
it's like the
Lion King ~ the Circle of Life,

it is supposed to be this way,
kids leave the nest, and Moms turn 50!

But there is always something good that comes out of turning the page of life.
I could be 50 and in a bad mood, or
I could be 50 and act it!

I could be an empty nester with nothing to do
because I had devoted all my life to kids
instead of making one for myself along the way...

Looking back...
25+ years of being a Mom
Then one day there is no PBJ lunches to make,
no one to stay awake and pray to see the headlights turn down the driveway.
No report cards, teacher conferences, no bleachers to sit on.
Even though there is Vonage, Skype, Email, Texting, IM and phone calls,
there is still no bleachers.

I have sat on bleachers watching little league baseball, soccer, football, cheerleading, dance recitals, swim team, middle school volleyball, basketball
(which was terrible score 2 - 0),
high school dance competitions, walked golf courses, football season tickets, Rugby games,
tennis matches, volleyball, you name it we have sat and watched it and photographed it!!!.

So now what?

Now I sit at a computer and stare into the eyes of children,
Children that are not mine, but for a split moment in time ~ I can pretend.
I spend one hour taking the shots, and 3 hours looking at them afterwards.

Seeing the wonder and enchantment in their eyes,
and the pure raw love in the eyes of the Moms and Dads.

Knowing that this moment in time
is brief

and every minute
should be cherished.

Every bleacher you sit on, enjoyed......
because one day your seat is filled with another younger Mom.

So today I will not sit here and feel sorry for myself
because I am going to be 50 and not have any kids left to tend to,
I am going to celebrate others that have a lifetime of bleachers to sit on...

Rose and Mike,

Finley might not have started walking yet,
but sooner than you think he will be running on a field somewhere...
buy a cushion, and linger.
How lucky you are to just be beginning the
Circle of Life...

Best of luck in Singapore, Doha will miss you.


Gina and Michael said...

Thanks for making me cry this evening! F is just a natural!

Staci Danford said...

WELL I guess if it is gonna take you a month to write a post then WOW... you have a good one.. I guess you could be 50 and having one near kindergarden like me. haha I can not think of a single Mother that I look up to more.. YOU have done a wonderful job my friend.. You can look in the mirror at your 50 year old self and say "WELL DONE"...

Sher said...

Thanks Staci. You are a precious friend.

Amanda Patrizi said...

You're the coolest mom anyone could ever dream of having, and you're my best friend. When people say, "you're just like your mother," I'm not ashamed, I'm thankful.
And don't throw away any toys and bleacher cushions away just yet. Before you know it, you'll be nonna, or grams, or kissy, or whatever you want to be called. Don't fret about not having kids around the house, because over the next 5 years, you'll be helping us with our kids. Oh wow, I just freaked myself out a little bit.
Enjoy the next few years all for yourself. Sink back into that giddy love that you and dad had from the beginning. Sit back and enjoy the ride. I love you with all of my heart.
P.S. Lana sent me a text today that said "is it sad that I just cried reading your mom's recent blog?"

Sher said...

I am a very lucky Mom. I have been blessed with amazing wonderful children. I just don't want to forget the songs we sung, playdoh dinosaurs and shapes we made out of clouds.

Growing up stinks but I am going to make the best of it.