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Saturday, April 12, 2008

I cried today...

Late this morning, once the girls woke up, I had the chance to sit and watch the videos and look at the pictures of their week in Tanzania Africa. In the background, Alexandra and Ashlynn narrated for me, each had their favorites, how horrible the conditions, how beautiful the scenery, how hungry the little children were (but smiling), their comments touching, and pictures were a reflection of the heartfelt compassion I was hearing. I would like to put 100 pictures on here for you to see it all. But I can't. One thing I did notice was a small wooden church in the background with a cross.

35 International Kids from an American School in the Middle East, going to a small town in Africa to help fix up a classroom for a starving culture. I think we just about covered every continent right there. When they arrived, hundreds of children dressed in blue uniforms, sang native songs and gave each one of them flowers. I hear Alexandra's slightly emotional voice in the background of the video saying slowly "Oh my God". Then at the end of their stay, after painting the classroom, making friends, dancing with the locals, fixing up the desks, and passing out gifts, the ASD kids energetically sang back to the hundreds of African children, a song they were taught in Swahili called Jambo, and thanked them!
That's when I cried.

So often we forget to thank those who teach us, who touch us.

Afterwards they went on a two day Safari to see the Big 5 (lion, giraffe, elephant, zebra, ostrich?). They both did fabulous work with a point and shoot, (must be in their blood). It wasn't a cheap trip, but the lifetime memories they bring back with them, have absolutely no price. I am not sure who benefited more, the little African school in Arusha, or my two sweet daughters.

Living abroad gives us chances to do things some just hear about. Real life with real people existing in real places, not just on CNN News or in National Geographic. God has graced us with the desire to give back to others through our good fortune and nature and I feel blessed to have been able to give this gift to my kids. Nicholas went to the city of refuge in Hungary in 2000, Amanda went to UM Army in 2004, Alexandra went to Romania last year from Milan, all for the chance to give back some little bity part of goodness. It doesn't matter if it is buying a pig from the FFA auction in Magnolia Texas and donating the pork to local SOS charity, spending $700 for a ticket to a charity ball at some fancy hotel in Houston or buying a pencil for a child in need, we all need to be reminded often how wonderful it makes you feel to give of yourself. Money, time, heart, soul. I sure want to do more, and I pray my lifetime will allow me to.

Today let's celebrate giving....

1 comment:


I cried too, Sheri. No wonder my kids love your girls so much! Thanks for sharing.

Lucy and Fam.