Did a fun shoot yesterday of a really nice young man. His mother recently told me of a story about him giving to the needy when he was 6 years old and how it bothered him so much. This distraught man who's wife had left him with 2 boys and cleared out the house of furniture and the boys didn't even have a bed to sleep on that night. Their family went directly to buy beds and have them delivered. My friend Debbie will never forget the image of this little 6 year old boy shaking the hand of this sobbing man.
Well this summer Chris , 3 other seniors at ASD and their parents put together a charity to build a bathroom for a school in Bolivia. It was an amazing undertaking and carried out so well. The four families and our entire community supported these children and this wonderfully successful project. I was proud to be a part of it.
Please remember those less fortunate this Holiday season, it will make your heart more fortunate to give. And by all means have your kids participate, you could be making a difference in more than just the lives of the people you are helping. You are teaching your kids to be aware of poverty all over the world for years to come.
I know there is one sobbing man and a little school in Bolivia that were blessed by Chris Wallace, 12 years apart.
Thank you for always reminding us of the important things in life! Love the picture! Love you too!
Precious story. Thanks for sharing.
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