I would like to get all sentimental, discuss the true meaning of Christmas, how blessed we are and have a amazing moving blog entry mentioning all my loved ones... But I can't think... I am so excited, anxious and can not concentrate right now to even write one cleaver sentence. I leave tonight for Italy to meet my other kids. We will all be a complete family again in less than 24 hours. YEA!!!
My bags are packed, presents wrapped with pillow cases cut in half, tied with pretty lightweight ribbon and a cute dated ornament dangles from each one. I hope you all paid attention to that, it is one of the smartest ideas on the entire planet. They should write a article in Hints from Heloise about this. It is environmentally suave, GREEN... Reusable, takes 5 minutes to wrap 20 gifts, all good. Make them whimsical or fancy... Just wished I would have thought about it when the kids were young, instead Chris and I would lock ourselves in my room for undetermined amount of hours with sore backs, rolls and rolls of paper, (coordinating of course), untwisting that paper ribbon or those stupid K-mart bows. How wasteful. Try this and you will love me forever... Plus it is real cute under the tree. Looks like Santa just dropped in.

We hope and pray that all of you reading this have a blessed holiday with those you love... Enjoy each moment, listen to the music, taste the peppermint bark, embrace the giggles, read the bible story, go to church, lite a candle in honor of someone that is no longer with us, give to the needy, eat an oyster, make that weird stuff called eggnog, what is eggnog anyway? Just have a wonderful few weeks.
As for me, I will be laughing with my 4 beautiful almost grown children and my heart will be full.
I wish for you a full heart too.

We can't get there fast enough...
See ya next year -
Adios Amiga! Savor each and every delicious moment with your kids. PRICELESS.
Oh my goodness... That was my job tomorrow (wrapping all of this stuff)... I'm headed to Wal-Mart right now to buy pillow cases instead.. Horay I love you more than I did..
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