I never thought I would use those two words together to describe anything.

But I have just returned from Amman Jordan for the 2008 EMAC Volleyball Tournament for ASD. Ashlynn and team were strong first place all the way up til the end, but just didn't come out on top. We took a hard second. But the boys DOMINATED all the way to First. We are proud of both teams and coaches... The parents were out in numbers, the most anyone has seen at an EMAC tournament, that is something to be proud of too. I am blessed to have been there.

I managed to take a side trip early one morning and the first to arrive out to Mt. Nebo where Moses saw the Promise Land. Can't really describe the feeling of being there, a place that is really in the bible. WOW. As I sat down alone in a small chapel to pray, I heard this shuffling from a small closet in the corner covered by a curtain, then out comes a precious 99 year old priest with a feather plume dusting off the benches and opening the windows. He was ignoring me when I asked if I could take his picture. Can you believe that?

Jordan was a very friendly place and the countryside reminded me of the south of Italy kinda Mediterranean looking. Dotted with olive trees, tall skinny cypress, rolling hills, and a wonderful cool breeze. Except it was very desolate. Almost like it still looked exactly like it was 2000 years ago. (All except the Gucci billboard on the main road to Amman.)
A city called Jeresh was an old Roman city that was better preserved than anything I have ever seen even in Rome. I had fun making the Artful Images from there.

Here is the menu we had at lunch.
YUMMMMM! I'll have the Scrotum Super Sized! (just kidding!)
Now back to Doha to get busy with Senior, Family and Christmas shoots.
So glad you're back safe and sound. Love the door. You know we both have a thing for windows and doors. My mom says it's because my other personality is trying to get out one of them. haha Who knows, maybe she's right. Wish you could have snuck in a shot of the old man with the feather. Now that is something you just don't see every day. Thanks for sharing...
I really love the columns ! Why doesn't mine look like that?
Great pictures, all of them. Great weekend. Thanks for capturing those happy smiles on our kids.. Kim
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