It's a Celebration!!! We have Birthdays and more Birthdays to "celebrate..." First of all Chris on the 29th turned, well younger than me!!! Then 2 days later my precious cute Momma turned, well 33 years older than me, then a day later Nicholas turned 24! WOW... And somewhere in the middle I think I am a year older too. The picture of Nicholas as a baby is my all time favorite, he was a beautiful baby, precious boy and handsome young man. I have carted this picture of him with the lemon, which we grew in our back yard in California with me through all our moves and it has been a part of my kitchen since I took it 22 years ago... It is sad I am so far away from him and can't make him a cake, cook him dinner, or spank him... I remember so well the day I got to hold him for the first time. His hair was parted like a little man, my mother was in the room yelling at the nurse who was trying to teach me how to hold him "Just give her the baby!"... as I was lying there with my arms streatched out and tears running down
my face. My first born and only son, I celebrate you today... an
d always...

Happy Birthday Ya'll!!!
Happy Birthday Mom...thank you for bringing Sherry into this world so she can be my friend. Chris...thank you for being such an amazing husband and father and cool drink of water. Nic...thank you for making PVC pipe sushi...YOU ARE MY ROCK STAR IDOL.
YAY!!! I could start singing "Celebration" by Kool and the Gang, but that would NOT be "Kool"! So, I will just say, congratulations!!! on your celebrations!
Congratulations for your wonderful son, (and your wonderful daughters) and your wonderful husband and your wonderful Mom and your wonderful sister....whew!!! You sure got a whole lot o' wonderful! and I know you know it...so God bless, and ENJOY!!!
Ok.. You know I cried when I read that. I too have a first born baby more precious than life son. We've talked many times about how those guys are loved like no other. I shutter to think how empty life would be without them. There is just no bond in the world like a mother and her son.
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