I am blessed with a wonderful handful of great friends. We call ourselves the Magnolia Jr. League. There are 6 of us. It was formed late in 2000 on the beach in Cancun Mexico, sort of... That was the summer of "Moms gone Wild", now it is more like Moms gone MILD!!!
We do alot of laughing and praying and mainly sharing our hearts with eachother, it is a very special group. Together we have 19 children, none of us has ever been divorced and we all love our husbands which these days and times is pretty amazing.
This summer we were lucky enough to share an evening in a terrific girl bonding B&B in Carmine Texas http://www.diddebdoit.blogspot.com/ at an art bodega, with my artful crazy earthy doesn't shave her pits friend Deb... With wine, women, lasagna, laughter, and maybe a little pee pee...in our pajamas no doubt... Did I mention wine? Oh and the albums were turning yes, I said albums, Take us back to the 60's, 70's and 80's - we had a DJ. This was a high class art evening... Complete with personality glasses and years of stories told and moments shared and new memories made.

Our project we were working on, was to add a bit of personality to each person's stuffed fabric replica of eachother and we would all have an art doll to take home of ourselves that had been embellished by all 6 of us... Pretty cleaver huh?

It was a great 24 hour slumber party. One of my memorable moments was when I was slightly stumped at what to add to one of them and asked myself "How do I add will do anything for anyone on this doll?"
The results were outrageously creative and a wonderful joy as a keepsake. You can't help but smile when you make one or have one. I suggest this for all groups of gals of all ages.

Don't forget your girlfriends. By all means, don't forget your girlfriends...

Okay, I had to laugh. From Moms Wild to Moms gone MILD!!! That's funny.
I invite you to visit www.PowerUpLove.com real people sharing real stories about how love has really impacted and changed their lives. Share your story, struggles, or testimonies. Blessings...
Come back for a Doll Reunion next gathering!! It was such a blast hosting this event!! Deb
So much fun!
All my girlfriends are living dolls!
Thanks MJL!!
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