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Smiles, Sherry

Saturday, September 13, 2008

SH _ T!

I have this tracking thing that shows where people are coming from when they read this blog. It is so nice when I see Roseville California because I know exactly who that is. My long lost little sis Amanda Merz that used to be my neighbor in Chancy Switzerland a lifetime ago. I love knowing who has stumbled across me and my open online journal. I found a wonderful friend from high school recently, who sang at me and David's wedding 27 years ago, Danny Dickson. It is amazing how technology has been able to put my life's experiences into your livingroom or office across the world. But not too many people will actually comment. I do receive personal e-mails making comments, but I am going to make a book of this one day and would love to see alittle more interaction here.

Who are you reading this right now? Are you a stranger? Old friend? Photographer?

Someone I didn't expect recently told me they loved reading my blog because it was like they were having a conversation with me. I think it is because I say the word shit a lot. I know it is not very professional, and sometimes not very nice, but it is a great word.

It is an adjective, really "shitty" weather, it is a verb, He "shit a brick" and it is a noun, look at that "shit"! I am sorry if I ever offend anyone with my only cuss word I use online.

HUMMMMMMMM...What picture should I post today with this blog? NO, NO I will not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's good shit!