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Smiles, Sherry

Sunday, November 30, 2008

DESTINY...finding it....

Are you living your destiny? Do you wake up and enjoy what is ahead of you? Whether it is your job, passion, kids to take care of, baking cookies or digging in the garden... Are you doing the right thing with your God given talents? Do you sit on your porch and knit, make financial plans for a major corporation, spend your time reading a novel that you love or sing in the choir?

Do you absolutely love what you are doing right now?

Isn't it great to know people that are exactly where you know they should be. People who absolutely love what they are doing and are terrific at it. The perfect teacher, dentist, even the greeter at Walmart. Whatever the ambition, passion or career if you are thrilled about it, it rubs off on everyone around you.

There was this little volunteer man at the hospital this summer when Nicholas was having all his surgeries, he was a volunteer but loved his job so much he was glowing, you would have thought he made a million dollars an hour. That's exactly what I'm talking about.

I have known a few people in my lifetime that are living their dream, using the gift God gave them to the fullest and sharing it with the world around them. Carla McDougal is a powerful faithful teacher, she is great at telling stories she is using her gifts for others. There are only a handful of people that I have met in 48 years that I can truly say are living it. WA Taylor told me in the early 80's he was going to retire early and buy a piece of property in Washington State and cut down his own logs and build his house from scratch. About 10 years later, he bought some acreage that already had the log house built, in Washington and now he is in his element there, he wasn't a lumberjack anyway. He did it.

Sharron LaFratta told me she was going to buy a Tuscan Villa, I thought she was crazy and believed that was so far fetched. Well, my family will be spending Christmas in Montefeggetasi (Tuscany) Italy again for the second time and also a month in it this summer. I love people that have passions and ambitions I can enjoy too. :) I am so proud of her for chasing her dreams...

I want a 100 year old live oak tree to call my own before I die. And to invent miniature longhorns.

I am not a reader, mathematician, or exercise fanatic, but I am a photographer and fun lover. I truly believe God gave me a gift, and sometimes when I am "on", I can feel his presence there with me. Maybe not so much as the technical part, but more of the people part. Like a presence on my shoulder... That's one of the things that makes Chris and I a perfect couple, what I am lacking, he has and visa versa.

I believe everyone of us has talents and things we are good at, some more than others, but we all have it... WE ALL HAVE SOMETHING! If we could just identify that miracle talent and get excited every time we use it, our lives would be better. I see it all around me. But you have to identify it...I have a fantasy to be a country and western singer, I tried karaoke and realized that is NOT my God given talent, just a fantasy... Ask Kelly Gibson.

Nicholas has a degree in Finance, but his love is people and cooking and he is very good at both. Amanda has a gift for singing and making people happy around her, Alex is a whiz at Math and loves to laugh, and Ashlynn can dance like no body's business. If we could all just do what we love, just think about how cool the world would be. I am just so blessed to be able to have my camera with me all the time.

God gave us different unique talents, find yours and do it... Do it well... and the world will smile with you.

If you are one of the fortunate ones that is privileged enough to have identified your gifts and put them to work in your everyday, I applaud you. Deb did it, Staci, Melinda, Rusty Moore, Amanda Merz, Julia Kerr, De Vinci, Sarah Barnes, I am lucky to know you. You make the world a better place. You are there, you have arrived. (I really don't know De Vinci)

Be aware of your natural strengths, use them to your best advantage and to benefit others, Don't miss out on your destiny doing things that don't come naturally. When you are truly living your destiny life is not a constant struggle, It just feels right.



OK I overreacted about the table decorations, and I took too many pictures of myself the day before that. Shoot, there is not that much to get excited about here. I have to create stuff to do and write about. Next blog is going to be about your destiny. I am working on it.
Have a nice week.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

More Preparations....

One day to go....OK now I must cook and set the table. First recipe, Feta Torta... YUM....

Along with Grandma's cornbread dressing, sweet potato casserole, pumpkin soup, I did it all from scratch, not one can opened.

OK gotta stop for lunch... Panini and diet coke... Yes, that is Arabic Diet coke.
I have a thing about setting the table. I live for a fabulous table setting. I can wear old bluejeans and boots, but my table is going to look good. We don't do plastic plates and paper napkins here. After all this is Thanksgiving we are Thankful, Blessed and it is not an ordinary day, I am going to make it extraordinary for everyone at my table. (Get it "EXTRA" Ordinary!!)

You guys are going to be jealous of this one... Chris and I make a good team, he loves the kitchen, I love the presentation. Woke Ash up at 9:00AM she helped because I couldn't hold the onions and green beans and tie the bow at the same time. Oh and Bella, she watched.

Then my genius daughter figured out if you use a rubber band, you can do it alone. (Hence, "Why did you wake me up Mom , DUH couldn't you figure this out on your own!")We spent an hour or more getting the table just right... And although we were missing three of our children at the table, I honored them by assigning someone else their engraved napkin ring. Josh represented Nicholas, Marica for Amanda and Sarah Barnes for Alexandra. Our guests were from various parts of the globe. The first time Sarah and Joe Barnes our Volleyball coaches from New Zealand had ever been to an American Thanksgiving dinner. I was honored to have them.

Here is vegetable table decor at it's finest....DAAAA DAH!!!! We counted our Blessings one by one...Bill from Canada was proud of his son Josh, Elizabeth for family, Adam by his experiences and life living abroad (very grown up for a 15 yr old), Ashlynn for food and family, Josh was blessed by relationships, Wright from Arkansas was Thankful for his relationship with God, Marcia was blessed with her family and everything, Nancy her family, Chris his wife, weather, family, day, The Barnes were thankful for people that made them feel like family being so far away from their own, and me with so much (I talked way too long), family, teachers, husband, love, (and of course to myself, creative table decorations....)

No one mentioned fancy cars, or houses, or money, or things... Everyone was thankful for people in their world, lives that made a difference to them, today, experiences, faith and relationships. A lesson that all those "things" don't matter in the end, what matters the most is those you LOVE, and fancy table decorations...End of story.The candles burned well into the evening as I relaxed with my turkey sandwich, husband, puppy and laptop.

I am thankful for whoever you are reading this day in my life. I hope yours was as warm and wonderful.



Preparations... Anticipations....

"Dream of the Future, Remember the Past, Live in the Christmas Present"

OK OK SO now it is almost Thanksgiving, but I have started the Christmas scene as well. How do you do both? Remember the last ADD post...Well, it's easy you put up all your Christmas decor and keep your table set for Thanksgiving. The first ornament hung was one of significant remembrance given to me by Karen my forever friend from 1967. She didn't give it to me then, we were wearing girl scout uniforms trying to earn the most badges. I loved a competition and was draped with many badges. I wished they had grown up badges you could wear when you accomplished something fabulous and worthwhile.
I guess we do in a way, they are walking talking accomplishments called children...
First Ash had to finish homework, Bella helped.
Then Josh did the finishing touches and hung the bow, he was the tallest.

Bella couldn't wait to get underneath, she thought this was her new bed. She is a gift to me everyday, I love my dog. OK tree done, check!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Adult ADD Christmas or Thanksgiving???

I love this time of year... I don't know what to do first... So I am blogging.... by request from two friends who want me to write daily... OMG I have stuff to do don't you know..... Although I am addicted to this online journal....Now I have to add one more thing on the list of things to do... BLOG... here is my day....

My grocery list is on the counter in the kitchen along with a few recipes, some of the ingredients we can not find here in Doha, so I am trying to figure out what else I can make, the grocery list is 22% complete.

I have to start thinking about my table setting for Thanksgiving on Friday when I have 12 over for the Traditional Turkey and sweet potato casserole (without sweet potatoes.) But the distraction of Christmas boxes linger in the open closet.... haunting me like a ghost in the night, "Sherry Sherry come here my child! Open me Open me, see what's inside.... I have surprises for you that will make you happy in here....." I haven't opened the boxes in 2 years and I am very tempted... Oh OK just do it...

OK need chocolate. Check e-mail... Start blog... Look at Christmas journals to see what I wrote about making Christmas better and stuff not to forget. Get Christmas cards out before December 1st, Oh crap better hurry... that's a familiar date... and it's almost here...
This is my first attempt.

I always used to have a girly party on December 1st. About 20 years ago it started out as a little get together, and over the years turned into a full craft fair, along with a cashier, mack truck backing down the driveway unloading furniture, and the police stopping by to see what all the commotion was. Then when I moved abroad I did a smaller version of it. Even gathered and cut my own grapevines from the hill above Chancy and made very cute wreaths that year, ahhhhh. So hey, I need to have a party... Stop, make a guests list....

My dishwasher broke this morning. Called compound repair guy, still hasn't shown up.
What am I going to wear for the Gala in January? Do my ski pants still fit, let's try them on....Oh I should take a shower, friend on the way.

I need to go to the lab to pick up swim team pictures that are ready, but Marcia Pratt is coming over for left over gumbo for lunch, she always brings me sussies she calls them, always nice sweet gifts, she is like a mini Santa everyday... Except much cuter.

Then I began to rearrange the furniture in the living room because Ashlynn didn't like it. Not much you can do with other peoples furniture... Kinda gross really. But hey, you do what you gotta do...

My poinsettias are croaking on the front porch, too hot... dang must water...

So when I was looking for invitations for the Christmas party, I ran across some old pumpkin cards, so wonderful... Must write a few Thankful cards. OK done... Next...

I have opened up a few boxes and scattered around a few Santas, some very fine ones that I absolutely love. But still kept the remainder of the few remnants of Thanksgiving, after all it is not here yet... It is hard to think about snowmen and scarves, we are wearing flip flops for heavens sake.
Oh bark bark, must take Bella for a walk, so she can poop in other peoples yard and I can pick it up. Who is the animal here, if an alien was to see this, we would be the stupid ones. After her walk she takes a nap...

Yikes, gotta go pick up Ashlynn from Tennis. Thank goodness. Got to get out of this mess.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


From Qassems GQ modeling at The Pearl in a wife beater, (which for those of you that do not know, The Pearl is the man made island Doha is building to keep up with the neighboring Arabs in Dubai which is very cool and not open yet) to a cute Cowgirl at the Souq with boots & a hat, ASD swimmers in speedos, a precious Canadian family in Arabic Pajamas, and handsome Marines in uniform at the Marine Ball... It has been a fun week for Patrizi Photography. Here is a little glimpse at my week... Talk about variety... I didn't have any naked babies though... sniff sniff... Maybe next week.

Right now I am wearing house shoes, PJ's & no bra. Not a pretty picture...
Hope you are having a nice day where ever in the world you are...
Gotta work~Can't Blog!!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

20 Years of Bliss....

Today is the day we said our vows in 1988. I wished I could remember them because we wrote our own. I just remember Chris memorized his... and it was beautiful... I would do it all again. I have been blessed for 20 years with the love of my life, my hero, a knight in shinning armour, hunka hunka burning love which started out as a great friendship and still is... We still like each other and he is still tolerating me and all my SheNaNiGanS. Bless his little heart. Thank you honey...
I still tingle inside when he touches me, my heart skips a beat when the door opens when he comes home after work. It is still there, the flicker that began long ago and slowly burns for a lifetime. There is a song that describes our relationship, it is written by Tracey Bird called Keeper of the Stars. It says one thing that is so true,

"Someone had a hand in it long before we ever knew!"

I wish for my children a healthy loving relationship, one that grows, is blessed daily and incredible. I hope and feel we are leading a pretty good example. If I have taught my kids anything, I hope it is the value of love and the sacredness of marriage.
Love is in the Air!!!


As I read over my Blog recently I realized I "miss" a lot of stuff. I was missing Chancy, missing Texas, missing my family, missing my old church, missing Mexican food, now missing my big kids. Heck I have been preaching about wallowing in the moment you are in, the gift of today can never be taken back, live in the present, while I am whining about the past...

I swear I am not bi-polar.

I try real hard to "Love the one your with", no matter where that is or who it is... I try real hard to "Bloom where you are planted", and work hard on "Home is where you hang your hat"... blah blah... But I really do.

To all of you who are in places that are unfamiliar, seem uncertain about the future, having a hard time adjusting to your surroundings, trying to make friends and a new life here and there... I feel your pain... It doesn't happen overnight.
But hey, if we can come to Doha Qatar and have this much fun, life is good... I just need to remind myself sometimes.

Doha, is filled with wonderful interesting people, most of them are from Texas so it is almost like home. We are blessed with so many great friends. Here we are living it up at a Chevron Cocktail party, and it was fun! Yes, I said "FUN" company party.

OK so we don't have good Mexican food, green grass, my 3 older children or my mother, but we do have friends.

Happiness is something that we are in charge of... Sometimes it makes us happy to reminisce about things before, but we can not dwell on them.

Today is Today November 10th, 2008, LIVE IT!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

New Business Card ~ Old story

Lately I've been whining about missing my big kids a lot to anyone that will listen. I even made a new business card with a very old picture... I have been staring at it over and over again. This is where my life started...

I remember the day I took this shot, in Beaumont Texas 1985.

I received an email from an old friend (50), he sent me this story I wrote about 5 years ago he had saved .
(For those of you who think my stories are too long, I didn't make you click on here!)

August 2004, Missing kids, It all began back when...

Today I said good-bye to my son again... Just about 10 minutes ago. He packed his sister's truck like a typical college boy. Everything crammed in boxes, stuff like a box of latex gloves. I said "Nic, why do you have a box of Latex gloves?" He said "Last year I copied Dad's idea and went to a Halloween party as Dr. Sphinskster, (a proctologist) and I might need them again...."

The mound also consisted of down comforters without duvets, several pillows without pillow cases, all the old towels he could find, boxes of clothes and shoes with green plaid boxers hangin' out the top, his rugby ball, and favorite bongo drum, (and a box of latex gloves just in case). Right before he took off he remembered his two large bottles of Patrizi's Italian Dressing. He had made a double batch last night, one for the new house and one for his roommate's parents. So in an ice chest sitting next to him, my son heads to Austin Texas with all his favorite things, his Italian dressing and a box of latex gloves.

Earlier at lunch there was a small blond headed boy, about 2 years old, sitting directly behind him and I could not stop staring at him, he was making a mess and blowing in his drink. Nicholas turned around and made faces at him and the little boy smiled. I said "See you just don't get it Nic, one day you are blowing in your drink and the next you are off to college!" His reply was, "Mom, I still blow in my drink!"

On the way home we talked about grown ups who didn't have their own children, and he said how that would be terrible, he definitely wanted his own family, his own children. I begin to tear up just to think that we spoke of him having a family... He spit out his toothpick laughing at me and told me I was so silly.

He hugged me and kissed me twice in the driveway before he drove away whistling.

His baby teeth have all fallen out, his knees have been kissed enough, he knows the truth about Santa and the Easter Bunny, he can make the Italian Dressing, he knows he has God and a special guardian angel named David by his side and a family to call no matter what, and of course, a box of latex gloves.

To all of you who are in the process of anticipating this for the first time or the last, OUCH!
Sherry Patrizi
Magnolia Photography 2004

Sunday, November 2, 2008

"Mommy, Can I wear these?"

I had the great pleasure to do a precious family in Magnolia while I was there this summer. I came across this picture today and smiled. I love this family. I took pictures of them when the boys were small, when Hadley was born and now growing up too fast. Tonya and Chad are fantastic parents and cute too. I love this flip flop shot becuase it makes me love the mother so much. Any Mother that would say yes to the 3 yr old to wear for pictures, cuz she liked them both is on my favorite list.
Thank you Tonya for keeping it real...

Inspired by...

This morning I was inspired by my 83 year old Uncle Troy from Cabot Arkansas. He has a zest for life that makes us youngins look like old fogies. He lost his wife a few years ago and remarried at 80-something. He hunts, travels, emails and has a wonderful outlook on life. He is in love and blessed to have this new life, a new beginning in his 80's. And he is proud of it.

It is proof that anyone can have new beginnings.

I have friends that are single, happily married, some in the process of ending theirs, and some just so so. We tend to love the couples that inspire each other and respect, love and show it for the world to see. I want to be one of those couples. It is wonderful to have those people in our lives. I have been inspired by many, my own parents, David & Chris' parents and Sparky and Debbie on the top of the list. Partners who pray together, stay together for sure.

I am encouraged today by my 83 yr old uncle who would never give up on life.

We should look at that with admiration as an example to all of us that you are never too old for love.

Keep the flame a burnin'...

Photo by: Kelly M. Gibson Professional Golfer and Photographer extraordinaire!