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Smiles, Sherry

Monday, November 10, 2008

20 Years of Bliss....

Today is the day we said our vows in 1988. I wished I could remember them because we wrote our own. I just remember Chris memorized his... and it was beautiful... I would do it all again. I have been blessed for 20 years with the love of my life, my hero, a knight in shinning armour, hunka hunka burning love which started out as a great friendship and still is... We still like each other and he is still tolerating me and all my SheNaNiGanS. Bless his little heart. Thank you honey...
I still tingle inside when he touches me, my heart skips a beat when the door opens when he comes home after work. It is still there, the flicker that began long ago and slowly burns for a lifetime. There is a song that describes our relationship, it is written by Tracey Bird called Keeper of the Stars. It says one thing that is so true,

"Someone had a hand in it long before we ever knew!"

I wish for my children a healthy loving relationship, one that grows, is blessed daily and incredible. I hope and feel we are leading a pretty good example. If I have taught my kids anything, I hope it is the value of love and the sacredness of marriage.
Love is in the Air!!!


deb did it said...

Beautiful Sherry! Congratulations to you and Chris, your tall drink of cool water!

Karen said...

Happy Anniversary! Sounds like it'll be a HOT time in the old compound tonight!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Sherry and Chris! You brought a tear to my eyes. Life is a journey and to be treasured every step of the way. I agree with the legacy we hope to leave our Love and be Loved! Take Care.

God Bless,
Always your friends,

Cathleen and Andy Raymer
Kingwood, Texas

ps...we will be married 27 years this May...eek! naw! He's my best friend! : )

Staci Danford said...

Awe.... So sweet. That makes everyone want to be in love. Seems the older we get the more we appreciate love. Now that we know it is suppossed to have ups and downs and that's what makes it wonderful. Knowing if you'll love someone when they're not so lovely, then they'll love you back when you're not. haha

Unknown said...

Congratulations to my Favorite Niece and Hubby Chris. I know the VOWS you made must have been Very Sweet (Even if you forgot them) HA. Living them is MORE IMPORTANT.



Anonymous said...


Congratulations to you and Chris and the whole family!! Sure turned out well. Loved reading about it and loved the picture. It is so great to know people who still like each other so much. Life is good. Hope you did something fun! Love, Allison.