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Smiles, Sherry

Monday, November 10, 2008


As I read over my Blog recently I realized I "miss" a lot of stuff. I was missing Chancy, missing Texas, missing my family, missing my old church, missing Mexican food, now missing my big kids. Heck I have been preaching about wallowing in the moment you are in, the gift of today can never be taken back, live in the present, while I am whining about the past...

I swear I am not bi-polar.

I try real hard to "Love the one your with", no matter where that is or who it is... I try real hard to "Bloom where you are planted", and work hard on "Home is where you hang your hat"... blah blah... But I really do.

To all of you who are in places that are unfamiliar, seem uncertain about the future, having a hard time adjusting to your surroundings, trying to make friends and a new life here and there... I feel your pain... It doesn't happen overnight.
But hey, if we can come to Doha Qatar and have this much fun, life is good... I just need to remind myself sometimes.

Doha, is filled with wonderful interesting people, most of them are from Texas so it is almost like home. We are blessed with so many great friends. Here we are living it up at a Chevron Cocktail party, and it was fun! Yes, I said "FUN" company party.

OK so we don't have good Mexican food, green grass, my 3 older children or my mother, but we do have friends.

Happiness is something that we are in charge of... Sometimes it makes us happy to reminisce about things before, but we can not dwell on them.

Today is Today November 10th, 2008, LIVE IT!!!


deb did it said...

doing a HAPPY dance with you here in Carmine!!

Staci Danford said...

You know I love this one. I too struggle on a very frequent basis about missing my wonderful friends. I'm so far from so many of my favorite people. But.... I'm still so close to so many. It's just hard to remember that on the pity party days. haha