Are you living your destiny? Do you wake up and enjoy what is ahead of you? Whether it is your job, passion, kids to take care of, baking cookies or digging in the garden... Are you doing the right thing with your God given talents? Do you sit on your porch and knit, make financial plans for a major corporation, spend your time reading a novel that you love or sing in the choir?
Do you absolutely love what you are doing right now?
Isn't it great to know people that are exactly where you know they should be. People who absolutely love what they are doing and are terrific at it. The perfect teacher, dentist, even the greeter at Walmart. Whatever the ambition, passion or career if you are thrilled about it, it rubs off on everyone around you.
There was this little volunteer man at the hospital this summer when Nicholas was having all his surgeries, he was a volunteer but loved his job so much he was glowing, you would have thought he made a million dollars an hour. That's exactly what I'm talking about.
I have known a few people in my lifetime that are living their dream, using the gift God gave them to the fullest and sharing it with the world around them. Carla McDougal is a powerful faithful teacher, she is great at telling stories she is using her gifts for others. There are only a handful of people that I have met in 48 years that I can truly say are living it. WA Taylor told me in the early 80's he was going to retire early and buy a piece of property in Washington State and cut down his own logs and build his house from scratch. About 10 years later, he bought some acreage that already had the log house built, in Washington and now he is in his element there, he wasn't a lumberjack anyway. He did it.
Sharron LaFratta told me she was going to buy a Tuscan Villa, I thought she was crazy and believed that was so far fetched. Well, my family will be spending Christmas in Montefeggetasi (Tuscany) Italy again for the second time and also a month in it this summer. I love people that have passions and ambitions I can enjoy too. :) I am so proud of her for chasing her dreams...

I want a 100 year old live oak tree to call my own before I die. And to invent miniature longhorns.
I am not a reader, mathematician, or exercise fanatic, but I am a photographer and fun lover. I truly believe God gave me a gift, and sometimes when I am "on", I can feel his presence there with me. Maybe not so much as the technical part, but more of the people part. Like a presence on my shoulder... That's one of the things that makes Chris and I a perfect couple, what I am lacking, he has and visa versa.
I believe everyone of us has talents and things we are good at, some more than others, but we all have it... WE ALL HAVE SOMETHING! If we could just identify that miracle talent and get excited every time we use it, our lives would be better. I see it all around me. But you have to identify it...I have a fantasy to be a country and western singer, I tried karaoke and realized that is NOT my God given talent, just a fantasy... Ask Kelly Gibson.
Nicholas has a degree in Finance, but his love is people and cooking and he is very good at both. Amanda has a gift for singing and making people happy around her, Alex is a whiz at Math and loves to laugh, and Ashlynn can dance like no body's business. If we could all just do what we love, just think about how cool the world would be. I am just so blessed to be able to have my camera with me all the time.
God gave us different unique talents, find yours and do it... Do it well... and the world will smile with you.
If you are one of the fortunate ones that is privileged enough to have identified your gifts and put them to work in your everyday, I applaud you. Deb did it, Staci, Melinda, Rusty Moore, Amanda Merz, Julia Kerr, De Vinci, Sarah Barnes, I am lucky to know you. You make the world a better place. You are there, you have arrived. (I really don't know De Vinci)
Be aware of your natural strengths, use them to your best advantage and to benefit others, Don't miss out on your destiny doing things that don't come naturally. When you are truly living your destiny life is not a constant struggle, It just feels right.

I miss you! Thank you for sharing your heart of love over this blog. I replied to your comment on my blog last week. When you said come to Doha and do a women's retreat... I replied, "If God has it in His plan for that to happen then, Doha here I come." Thank you for your encouraging words as you have challenged us to look to God and ask Him to show us our purpose in this world, and then DO IT! I say Amen to that. God does have a plan for us in this world. Seek the Lord daily and He will guide you in fulfilling that purpose. As I am writing these words, there is a sweet pounding in my heart, and I think it is Jesus saying "YES! They got the message!" Have a great day, my precious friend. I have your blog on my favorites!
Love you,
well said Sher, better than DaVinci! I am doin what I love and love doin it! YOU GO GIRL, the One Who Runs With Camera.
Well thank you Sherry.. I do wake up most mornings so happy I get to be me again. I love my life, and I love having you for a friend. You inspire us all.
You sometimes so remind me of Jon. He is always making sure we all have goals,remember to do what we love, and have a purpose. Sometimes my just want to have fun bewilders him. But...the two of us together figure some great things out. Right now we just need to figure out our next thing. I think of you often as an inspiration that I can go anywhere and be happy--I just have to want to. Allison
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